• Preparation of individual chart according to the undertaking. • Preparation of individual strategy for business development in accordance with the requirements of leadership. • Development of accounting policies. • Establishment of primary documents - invoices, notices to invoices, records, contracts, orders and reports on business trips, travel lists, orders for budget and credit transfers, cash income and expense orders. • Secondary processing of accounting records of licensed software. • Maintenance of records: Customers, Suppliers, material availability, inventory, bank accounts concern the currency, personnel, accountable persons, VAT statements, insurance statements, statements by insurers and others. according to the specific needs of management. • Preparation of periodic and annual reports of listed records. • Establishment of accounting and tax depreciation schedule. • Consultation on the establishment of proper accounting records. • Ranking of the records in archival form keeping records information on paper and magnetic media. • Accounting for leases. • Preparing logs and returns VAT. • Preparing VIES - Declaration. • Completion of Intrastat declarations and diary. • Completion of declarations under the Law on Local Taxes and Fees. • Completion of Patent statements for individuals and sole traders. • Completion of declarations and statements of Bank in connection with the balance of payments statistics and external debt. • Reporting - annual and regular on the National Statistics Institute. • Completion of the issue of documents by the revenue administration. • Preparation of annual tax returns for individuals and corporate bodies and fill their annexes. • Completion of reference for individuals who received income from other employment during the year. • Preparation of periodic and annual financial statements of accounting standards for small and medium enterprises and the International Accounting Standards. • Preparation of financial statements in English and Turkish.
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