• Preparation of employment contracts and civil. • Preparation of paying payroll salary. • Completion of payment orders in the salaries of software. • Publishing and completion of work books. • Completion of insurance licenses. • Issuance of notifications under Article 62 (4) and chl.123 (1) of the Labor and declarations Model 1 and 6 of paper and magnetic media - monthly and annual. • Develop and maintain staff personal files. • Prepare the required package of documents for retirement. • Issuance of necessary documents upon termination of employment - Order for termination of employment, official notice of income, lowered - 2 and a Certificate of income for the preceding six months. • Preparation of official notes to obtain the child allowance from the respective regional branch of social security. • Preparation of official notes with requests for bank loans in the form set. • Completion of documents required for payment of cash benefits and grants from National Social Security Fund. • Maintain archive database on magnetic media.